Yesterday i was really blessed! there's something about Sundays...Everytime i go to church my spirit is lifted...(and i know what you're thinking, its not 'cos of the friends even though they do play a small part! lol)
anyways, church is just wonderful. i went to a friends church and i was proud to see all these youths preaching about different know, stuff that actual matter. I always thought that if i was a motivational speaker for the youth, i wouldn't actually go far 'cos they wouldn't listen but i was proved wrong.
the main message was about prayer. when you pray, y'all don't actually know what happens but i tell you it is big. can u imagine God and Satan wrestling on your behalf?....well that's what happens when you pray!!
another thing that struck me was the story told by this girl about her cousin...she had been with her cousin for a long time and they talked about everything apart from God. she was never really sure which side he stood on, with Christ or against HIM.
few days later her cousin died and the thing that hurt the most was not knowing where he had gone and the guilt of not pushing him hard enough to make the right decision.
so y'all should decide it heaven or hell??
finally i want you to try this challenge: try to go through this week without actually asking God for anything, instead praise Him for everything and see how many doors open for you.
have a great week..much luv.xx
© The poets voice~~~ February 2008, All rights reserved.